Welcome to the Fire Protection Podcast | Fire Inspection Business Software | Inspect Point Software

The last few months have been very busy here at Inspect Point.  We continue to push out new features and enhancements that let our users organize, manage and grow their businesses better.

A couple years ago the founders at Inspect Point discussed getting a podcast started to get our message out to the masses.  We all had listened to podcasts in our daily lives and wondered if there was anything out there dedicated to fire protection.  Listening to leaders in the industry could only happen at trade shows, presentations and an occasional webinar.  The podcast format really allows a listener to understand an individual on a more personal level.

In Mid-2018 we discovered the Fire Sprinkler Podcast, hosted by Chris Logan.  We soon connected and started bouncing ideas off of each other to get more knowledge spread on the industry.  Chris has done an amazing job being the first of its kind to the market.  The guests he has had on have been great and topics very informative.  More content was definitely sought after though.

As many already know, fire protection is a niche industry with many sub sectors throughout.  We wanted an overall discussion of every including fire alarms, sprinklers, suppression systems, extinguishers and general life safety.  New technology also plays a huge part in the industry and moving forward.

Over the years, I have met some incredible industry leaders in all facets of fire protection.  Getting these individuals to tell their story about their time in fire protection was the goal.

Please listen and subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, Spotify, TuneIn and Stitcher.  We are super excited to get this started and there are a lot of amazing topics that we want to cover.