We Love Customer Feedback! - Inspect Point



We love customer feedback! 

Inspect Point is created by fire professionals for fire professionals. We have roots in this industry, and our deep expertise drives the future of our product. Customer input is another major factor. Our customer helps shape and build Inspect Point. Here’s how:

1) We make it easy for users to submit feedback while using Inspect Point.

Our big “Feedback” button appears within the application and allows users to share suggestions with just one click.

2) The Inspect Point User Group meets regularly to review prototypes and test features.

This group of highly active “power users” meets with our Product team regularly to share input on features at various stages of development. Not only do we consider feedback after a feature has been released, but we also listen at critical points of planning and design.

3) Our Customer Success Managers partner with users and advocate for their needs!

As soon as you become a customer of Inspect Point, you are assigned a Customer Success Manager. They work to understand your company’s needs and help you optimize your workflows.  Your CSM is both your partner and your advocate; communicating customer needs to the rest of the team in a portal that is monitored regularly by our Product team. 

The bottom line is that we’re committed to ensuring our product meets the needs of fire protection/life safety customers and exceeds their expectations. And we’re serious about it. In fact, we have done or will do 60% of the new product features or updates our customers bring to us!