NFPA Inspections Software | Fire Inspection Software | Inspect Point

What can Inspect Point’s
inspection software do for you and your business?

Generate branded inspection reports, complete NFPA inspections using iPads, produce professional fire pump performance curves, create service proposals in the field, and document and prioritize deficiencies.


Schedule and Dispatch Inspections

Imagine dispatching inspections with the push of a button. Well, that’s exactly what we allow you to do!

With Inspect Point, you can quickly schedule, assign, and dispatch inspections to a particular technician for a specific date, time, or recurrence.

If a last minute inspection needs to be scheduled – no problem! Quickly glance at your inspection calendar to identify an available technician, schedule and assign the emergency inspection to that technician – and voilà – the inspection is on the technician’s iPad and ready to be worked.

Keep an Eye on Your Business

Inspect Point makes it easy for you to keep track of your inspection business.

With real-time updates from the field, you can quickly and easily view inspections waiting review, inspections scheduled for that day, and all documented deficiencies listed in order or priority, on the home screen of your Inspect Point instance.

This feature takes you out of the weeds and provides you the opportunity and information you need to tweak and optimize your inspection process over time.


Generate Reports With a Single Click

One click report generation may sound too good to be true – but, it’s true!

With the click of a button, Inspect Point gives you the ability to instantly generate professionally branded inspection reports that display your company contact information and logo, along with the building and contact information of the inspected building.

This process not only removes paper and duplicated efforts from the equation, but increases the opportunity to get paid sooner by getting final inspection reports out the door faster.

Quickly Create Recurring Inspections

Say goodbye to rescheduling the same building inspections each month, quarter, year, etc.

With recurring inspections, quickly create and schedule an inspection for a building based on it’s required frequency, and let Inspect Point take care of creating the inspection for you each time the inspection is due.

Leave the scheduling and distribution to us, so you can focus on growing your business and increasing profits


Generate Proposals in the Field

Turn your iPad into a money making machine.

With Inspect Point, technicians can prepare and present proposals, gather approval signatures, and send all approved and denied work back to the office electronically. Those in the office can then begin ordering parts and dispatching service technicians within minutes of receiving proposal approval.

This feature helps to seamlessly tie your inspection and service departments business together, and provides you the opportunity to increase revenue by deceasing the amount of time it takes to seek proposal approval, order parts, and dispatch staff.

Create Fire Pump Performance Curves

Use the readings you collect in the field to create a professional computer generated performance curve inside Inspect Point.

Remove the hassle of juggling multiple programs, or creating performance curves by hand.

Instead, let Inspect Point plot each point of the graph, and attach it to the final inspection report for you.


Complete NFPA 25 Inspections on iPads

Say goodbye to paper, and hello to the future.

By equipping technicians in the field with iPads, you remove the headaches associated with waiting for paper inspections, deciphering handwriting, attaching and associating deficiency images, and generating final inspection reports.

With Inspect Point, you have all your inspections, photos, notes, signatures, deficiencies, and proposed corrections, securely sent to the office from the field in a single easy-to-read document.

No more thumb drives, scanning, or photocopying. No more waiting for technicians to arrive with inspection templates. No more lost time driving back to the office for more paper templates.

Receive and Send Messages

Create open communication between the field, office, and technicians.

All notes added during an inspection in the field are date, time, and name stamped, and can be viewed by anyone in the field or office.

Ensure you never miss an inspection update or suggestion with seamlessly synced messages between devices.


Gather Signatures in the Field

Ensure every inspection maintains compliance by collecting signatures in the field for inspection completion and deficiency identification.

All signatures captured in the field appear on the final inspection report, along with the date and typed name for an added layer of detail.

Report and Prioritize Critical Deficiencies

Work deficiencies in order of priority.

With Inspect Point, technicians in the field can not only document deficiencies via the iPad camera, but select a priority deficiency status to assist the work flow and service follow-up.

The critical deficiency status adds an additional layer of detail and prioritization to help you make strategic service dispatching and ordering decisions.


Answer Relevant Inspection Questions

Time is of the essence. So don’t waste it answering non-relevant inspection questions.

With Inspect Point, quickly add, remove, and customize inspections to meet the needs of your business.

By only displaying the inspection questions associated with the frequency, system, asset, and building requirements, we help decrease the time it takes you to perform an inspection, and increase the number of inspections that can perform daily.

Ready to kickstart your business with Inspect Point?

See for yourself what Inspect Point can do for your fire inspection business