The Benefits of Fire Inspection Software Systems - Inspect Point

Implementing software into any business allows for easier access to information, increased communication between teams, and the ability to get more done – more efficiently.

The same can be said for implementing fire sprinkler inspection software to any fire protection business. Not only do team members have access to shared calendars, NFPA 25 inspection questions, and fire inspection resources, but they also have open communication between the office and the field, and are able to get more inspections done on a daily basis – without compromising on compliance.

There are several fire inspection software systems on the market – each offering a little something different to the end users.

Two of these systems include:

  • Web-based software systems
  • Mobile  software systems

Let’s take a look at each of these systems and the benefits they provide to fire inspection businesses:

Web-based fire inspection software systems

Web-based software can be accessed from anywhere – at any time. Because the information lives “in the cloud,” users are able to log in to the software via user names/emails and passwords. There is no installation of software, long onboarding processes, or dedicated workstations.

With web-based software, employees can access their work from the office, hotel room, car, coffee shop, etc.. As long as there is an internet connection, there is access to the software.

So, how does web-based software benefit the fire protection industry?

First, through the use of user names and passwords, companies are able to issue, control, and revoke access to the back-end system where inspection scheduling, report generation, and contact information take place.

Second, because there are no longer designated workstations, work production increases. No longer are employees tied to installed software workstations. Instead, they can access their work from any location – at any time.

An example of a web-based software system is AutoCAD. Users are able to access AutoCAD from any location, share, and update information with team members, and work across multiple platforms.

Mobile fire inspection software systems

Similar to web-based software systems, mobile software systems can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This is because mobile devices have access not only to the internet but also to data coverage.

Tablets and cell phones are the most commonly used mobile software systems/devices. They are lightweight, easy-to-use, and portable – making them perfect for out of office work.

So how can mobile software systems benefit the fire protection industry?

First, designated log in information keeps applications on mobile systems safe and secure. This means that even if a mobile system is lost, or misplaced, your business information cannot be accessed.

Second, because mobile systems are portable, there is an increase in productivity – meaning more work can be done in the field. Work can easily be synced from the mobile device to the office, meaning, no more trips back to the office to drop off paper inspections.

An example of a mobile software system is Inspect Point. Users are able to access inspection templates, complete inspections on an iPad, and send inspections back to the office from the field. The only things required are an iPad, internet access, and an Inspect Point account.



Adding software systems to any business helps with productivity, communication, and improving workflow. Implementing software systems into a fire protection business opens communication between the office and the field and allows for more inspections to be completed on a daily basis – without compromising compliance.


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