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A Fire Inspector’s Guide to Optimize Fire Safety Inspections

A Fire Inspector’s Guide to Optimize Fire Safety Inspections

A fire safety inspection evaluates a structure’s fire protection systems and procedures. The goal is to identify potential hazards, ensure compliance with fire safety codes, maintain the functionality and operations of detection and suppression systems, and ultimately protect lives and property.

Fire Protection Software: Support for Every Stakeholder

Fire Protection Software: Support for Every Stakeholder

We’re well into the digital age. Yet, far too many fire and life safety companies still rely on pen and paper. While these manual processes may have worked in the past, the complexity of modern markets and customers requires something different.

Managing Your Own Inspection Questions: Why & How?

Managing Your Own Inspection Questions: Why & How?

You own your inspection questions. Ensure compliance, protect your company from liability, and improve inspector efficiency by customizing and managing your inspection questions yourself.

Embracing Change in Fire Protection

Embracing Change in Fire Protection

As codes and standards change, best practices shift, and technology advances, we have the opportunity to better protect our communities. Change is difficult, but, in our case, it can be instrumental in saving lives and property.