Pulling Back the Curtain: Get to Know Inspect Point Support - Inspect Point

Inspect Point Product Support

Our product support is a service provided by us, Inspect Point, that provides the end-user, You, with resources for information regarding the product. As well as being able to answer your product questions in a timely fashion, whether that be through email, phone or our web-widget.


How it works … 

In order to clearly understand our product support, let’s break down the support channels and how they work:

Email Support/Web Widget – If you have a question(s) you can email support@inspectpoint.com, or select the ‘Support’ option on the bottom left of your backend.

Your email/request then gets sent to our support hub where a ticket is created. Our team is notified, and from there a member will get back to you as soon as they are able.

Phone Support – If you have a questions, or would like to discuss a support issue in detail, you can always call our designated support line at 1-855-743-9598. If we are unavailable, please leave a detailed message, that way the appropriate agent can return your call.

NOTE >> Please keep in mind that we are a small business with in-house support, which can occasionally take up to 24 hours to respond. And our business our, which are Monday thru Friday 8AM to 5PM EST.


What happens when a support ticket is submitted?

Tickets are categorized by status (Open, Pending, On-hold or Solved). When a ticket is submitted, the support team will review and reply, and place the ticket in the appropriate status.

If the agent is able to resolve the issue, the ticket is placed in the ‘Solved’ status. When further information is needed from you, the ticket will get moved to a ‘Pending’ status. And if we need more information or a deployment from the tech team, the ticket gets place ‘On-hold’.

Any data fixes, or changes to the product, get prioritized into our product backlog. 

Bugs (an error that causes the product to behave in abnormal or unexpected way) have a higher priority as they impact the product as a whole.

Why is support important?

The support team is the front line of customer engagement. With a successful execution we have turned our support instance into a well-oiled machine, that will save you time and money. In turn, being able to perform more inspections, and ultimately grow your inspection business.