New Inspect Point Features Available in iPad 2.7.5 Release - Inspect Point

The latest iPad update will be made available to all Inspect Point users the week of January 2, 2017.  The 2.7.5 iPad release contains the following:

  • Visit notes/recommendations
  • Fire Exit Sign and Fire Extinguisher question flexibility
  • Custom Fire Extinguisher Types and Makes

Inspection Visit Notes/Recommendations

Inspect Point users now have the ability to add general visit notes/recommendations from the field on the iPad.  Default visit notes/recommendations, such as customer requirements, can be set in the backend, and are visible in the field to technicians.

The addition of this feature increases the flexibility of building inspections, and equips technicians with the ability to identify issues, not necessarily falling within the spectrum of a deficiency, that need to be addressed.

All notes/recommendations added in field print on the final inspection report, along with any default visit notes/recommendations added in the backend.

Users have the ability to customize this section title on the report (default section title – “Recommendations”) and can contact to adjust the title.

Documentation regarding default visit notes/recommendations setup can be found on our online help desk, and will be sent to all Inspect Point users when the release is available.

Fire Exit Sign and Extinguisher Question Flexibility

Users now have the ability to remove pre-loaded inspection questions for fire exit sign and fire extinguisher inspections from inside the Inspect Point platform.

Removal of these questions from the backend, will not only remove them from inspection reports, but also from future inspections templates on the iPad, and work the same as removing questions for sprinkler (NFPA 25) inspections.

Documentation regarding the removal of these questions can be found on our online help desk, and will be sent to all Inspect Point users when the release is available.

Custom Fire Extinguisher Types and Makes

Inspect Point users now have the ability to add custom fire extinguisher types and makes in the backend of Inspect Point that are visible to technicians in the field.


The addition of this feature provides increased customization to users and the options available to technicians in the field.

Documentation regarding adding custom fire extinguisher types and models can be found on our online help desk, and will be sent to all Inspect Point users when the release is available.


If you are an Inspect Point customer interested in adding any of the following features to your instance of Inspect Point, contact our Support Team at

Have a feature request?

Let us know. Contact Jennifer at to discuss your request and potential  release date. Since we work off a product backlog, feature and product requests are worked in order of demand and request date.


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