Introducing Live Chat! - Inspect Point

A New Addition to Inspect Point’s Support Offerings.

We are excited to announce, that starting Monday, December 3rd, our live chat feature will be made available to all Inspect Point customers!

That’s right! Every business day, from 9:00 AM-10:00 AM EST & 3:00 PM-4:00 PM EST, you will have the ability to live chat with one of our Inspect Point Support Agents.

What is Live Chat?

Live Chat is a way for our customers to communicate with a member of the support staff on a more relaxed level. Inspect Point Customers can reach out to ask questions when they are stuck and receive responses in real time.

If you are experiencing any issues – let us know in through chat! The Inspect Point Support team can gather that information and come up with solutions that will make your next visit to Inspect Point your best one yet.


Save Time

You can save some time with chat since inquiries are answered live, whereas submitting a support ticket could take up to 24 hours for a responses. If the answer needs further looking into, or involvement from the development team, a support agent will follow up with a support ticket.

How Do I Get to Chat?

You will find the chat option on your backend instance of Inspect Point. On the bottom left, you will see an option to click ‘Support’, and from there ‘Live Chat’. After that, it’s you and the in-house Inspect Point Support Agent chatting!

To learn more about this exciting new release, check out a recording of our webinar – Get to Know Inspect Point Support