3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in NFPA 25 Inspection Software - Inspect Point

More and more sprinkler inspection companies are looking to software to help streamline their business and inspection process, because of the possibilities software affords them.

In this article, we will examine three key reasons why inspection businesses invest in NFPA 25 sprinkler inspection software, and why you should implement this type of software into your business.

You will see how inspection software can:

  • Remove the hassle of paper
  • Create branded inspection reports with the push of a button
  • Document and store deficiency images

Let’s take a closer look at three key reasons why inspection companies are investing in NFPA 25 inspection software.

1. Remove the hassle of paper

Implementing inspection software removes the headache and hassle of paper by equipping technicians in the field with NFPA 25 inspection templates on iPads.

Instead of technicians traveling and delivering stacks of paper inspections daily, or weekly, to the office, they electronically send their completed inspections back to the office.  Those working in the office are then notified when inspections are complete, and can generate reports (more about this in reason #2) with the push of a button to send to the necessary contacts electronically.

The need for paper is virtually removed, and dependency for returning to the office to deliver paper inspections is obsolete.

By removing paper from the equation, sprinkler inspection companies can begin to look at expanding their customer reach and inspection business, by branching into areas they could not before because of time or resource restrictions.


2. Create branded inspection reports

As mentioned in reason #1, users of sprinkler inspection software have the ability to generate completed inspection reports with the push of a button. This may sound too good to be true – but – it is true!

Companies using NFPA 25 inspection software are notified when an inspection is completed in the field , and can generate a fully branded inspection report that can be electronically sent to the necessary contacts, with the push of a button.

These reports are setup in the backend portion of the software, and professionally display your company contact information and logo, along with the building and contact information for the building being inspected.

In addition to professionally displaying contact information, all questions, answers, images, and signatures are displayed.

If you would like to see a sample report from Inspect Point, please let us know below. 


3. Capture and store required images

Equipping technicians in the field with iPads, allows them to quickly document deficiencies using the iPad camera while performing inspections.

This is a built-in feature that removes the need for memory cards, email attachments, or scanning of photos, so deficiency images can be attached to a final inspection report.

Any photo taken during an inspection, using the built-in iPad camera, is associated with the inspection question where the deficiency was identified. All deficiency images that were taken are attached to the end of the inspection report and displays the question and section where the deficiency was identified.

Because images are being taken and sent via the software, all deficiency images are stored inside Inspect Point, and can be referenced at anytime.


Adding NFPA 25 sprinkler software to your inspection business not only helps streamline your business and inspection process, but helps you grow and expand your offerings and customer reach.

If you are interested in learning more about Inspect Point and our NFPA 25 inspection software, contact us through the link below to arrange your private demo.